About a month ago, out youngest boy suggested that we should sell a T-shirt for Halloween in our shop. No sooner had he said this, than he sat down and started drawing designs for it. I just love his determination. These are the designs he came up with:

We thought why not, and decided to make his dream a reality. He settled on his ghost as the winning design, I threw together a quick mock up, and in the evening after my husband had finished work and the kids were in bed, my husband polished up the artwork and by next morning the final design was ready and we had sent away for samples. I think it’s possibly the quickest turnaround of a design idea we’ve had so far.

A couple weeks later our samples arrived, and you should have seen our boy’s little face – he was so chuffed to see his design made in to a T-shirt! We did a big photo shoot in our back garden, and he’s been wearing it around them house after school ever since. We decided to offer it as a hoodie too, and both the T-shirt and the hoodie are now available in our online shop under Halloween.

For those who don’t know, all our products are printed on demand so please do take that in to account when ordering. Dispatches are still taking up to seven working days plus delivery time, though we have had some recent orders go out within three days, but to be on the safe side we recommend giving it around two weeks for orders to arrive. That still leaves you time to order before Halloween (hint hint)!